6 Small Actions to Achieve Big Goals

achieve big goalsBeing productive has been one of the most demanding challenges of becoming a mom. Experiencing a big priorities change has been pretty overwhelming: your most precious value, which is your time, doesn’t belong to you anymore.

I remember not long ago when I was pregnant, and this blog was only an idea in my head, I genuinely thought that I was going to be super productive because, for the first time in the past decade, I was going to stay at home for a whole year “only” taking care of my baby.

OMG, how naive! I honestly didn’t know what I was talking about. Even though I was lucky enough to have an extended mat leave, I had to experience motherhood to truly understand what it’s like. A clue for you: no joke! If you are a mom as well, you know what I’m saying!

personal goal setting

When I started this project, I struggle a lot with my time management skills, ending up the day feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. Lots of times, I found myself bawling my eyes out, thinking I was a failure

And well, yeah, the struggle is still real, but all the mistakes I made helped me establish a different routine and make it work in my favour (and my family’s happiness). Now, I have a totally different approach regarding failure and even made it my teacher.

goal planning

Long story short, after trying out many changes in my habits, I would like to share the 6 small actions that really worked and made me achieve my goals:

  1. Analyze the main reason for your productivity issues
  2. Go against the flow: wake up before everyone else at home, or go to bed after them 
  3. Train your mind for success: review what you have accomplished from your To-Do list at the end of the day 
  4. Try to plan your time ahead: Important vs. Urgent 
  5. Establish rules for Social Media consumption 
  6. Trial and error: don’t be scared to make mistakes and go back to square one whenever necessary 

Do you feel that 24 hours aren’t enough to meet your daily goals?

personal goals ideas

  1. Become aware of the-why to work on the-how. For example, I used to waste valuable time on trivial tasks instead of vital tasks.
  2. If you work from home and need to avoid constant interruptions, try to go against your family’s rhythm and create some me-time. All my life, I considered myself everything but a morning person. But recently, I realized that this definition was a self-limiting belief. I stopped saying it out loud and worked on making mornings my time. The difference has been very positive, and now I can do more things in less time.
  3. If you are like me, I guarantee that you often get frustrated when out of 10 tasks from your To-Do list, you could only finish two. I fight this feeling by going back to my day’s achievements: every single thing I accomplished for my baby and for me. It is very encouraging to appreciate what you are capable of doing instead of focusing on what you didn’t have time to finish.
  4. Plan your week ahead: think about what you want to accomplish, why you need to achieve it, and the plan to make it happen. I promise this will save you time that you were probably wasting just thinking about where to start. Everything you couldn’t finish will go on the next day list, and try not to overthink it. Being hierarchical, you will never leave out what is essential.
  5. If you feel that Social Media absorbs you, create your own rules. What’s been working for me is staying away from it 10 hours a day (before, during and after sleeping) and on full cleansing 24 hours once a week. This experience has been very revealing: the days without screening time, I experienced a productivity boost, I’m honestly still in awe. I’m giving my full attention to my baby, taking time for myself, making progress in home-tasks, and planning the next days (without sitting down to work). This last month I have improved my time management skills so much that I could accomplish more in 4 weeks than in the previous six months.
  6. This is not a sure-fire guide: it will be more like a constant battle with your habits. Feel free to try it out, find what works for you and what definitely doesn’t. Be as disciplined as possible and bet on progress. And if you fall, go back to square one, there’s nothing wrong with it! The comparison, we love to make for some reason, must be with yourself and no one else.

Would you give it a try? Do you have any other productivity habits that work? Please share them with me in the comments down below.

6 Pequeñas Acciones Para Lograr Grandes Resultados 

big goals examples

Ser productiva ha sido uno de los mayores desafíos que me ha traido la maternidad. Experimentar un cambio tan grande en mis prioridades ha sido muy abrumador, y si eres mamá lo sabes: tú valor más preciado que es el tiempo, ya no te pertenece.

Cuando estaba embarazada, y este blog era solo una idea en mi cabeza, de verdad yo pensaba que iba a ser súper productiva porque, por primera vez en los últimos 10 años, me iba a quedar en la casa por un año completo “sólamente” cuidando a mi bebé.

Jajaja, ¡la más ingenua! Obviamente, no sabía de qué estaba hablando. Aunque tuve la suerte de tener un permiso de postparto bastante largo, tuve que vivir la experiencia de maternidad como tal para comprender realmente de qué va la cosa. No es nada fácil, y tiempo así libre como para trabajar en proyectos personales, pues no hay. Si eres mamá, sabes muy bien a lo que me refiero.

big goals synonym

Desde que comencé este proyecto, he luchado mucho con mi manejo del tiempo, y los días no terminaban sin que yo me sintiera frustrada. Sólo me enfocaba en lo que no había podido terminar y bueno, le seguía un llantén diario por la sensación horrible de fracaso.

Y sí, sigo trabajando en eso, pero todos los errores que he cometido me han ayudado a establecer una rutina que realmente me funciona y eso me hace muy feliz (a mi y a mi familia). Ahora también veo al fracaso de otra manera y me atrevo a decir que incluso lo convertí en mi maestro.

setting small goals to achieve big ones

En pocas palabras, después de probar un sin número de estrategias, me gustaría compartir contigo las 6 pequeñas acciones que realmente me hicieron alcanzar objetivos:

  1. Analiza si tienes un problema de productividad y proponte atacar la razón principal
  2. Contra-corriente: levántate antes que todos en casa, o acuéstate después de los demás
  3. Entrena tu mente para la productividad: revisa tus logros del día todos los días al finalizar tu jornada
  4. Trata de planificar muy bien tu tiempo: Importante vs. Urgente
  5. Establece reglas para el consumo de Social Media
  6. Ensayo y error: atrévete a equivocarte y recomenzar cada vez que sea necesario

¿Sientes que el día no te alcanza para cumplir con todos tus pendientes? 

big goals quotes

  1. Toma conciencia del por qué, para trabajar el cómo. Yo metía todas mis tareas en un mismo saco y perdía mucho tiempo en tareas triviales en lugar de salir primero de las tareas vitales.
  2. Si trabajas desde casa y necesitas evitar interrupciones, llévale la contraria al ritmo de los demás y créate un tiempo a solas. Toda mi vida me consideré enemiga de las mañanas. Me di cuenta de que esa definición era una creencia auto-limitante, dejé de decírmelo y comencé a hacer de las mañanas mi momento. La diferencia ha sido muy positiva para hacer más en menos tiempo. 
  3. Si eres de las mías, te frustras al ver que de 10 cosas sólo pudiste terminar 2. Combato ese sentimiento haciendo un recuento de todas las cosas que hice en el día, para mi bebé y para mi. Es muy reconfortante valorar lo que haces.
  4. Planifica tu semana: qué quieres hacer, por qué lo quieres hacer y el plan para lograrlo. Esto va a ahorrarte mucho tiempo que uno pierde pensando por dónde comenzar. Lo que no te de chance, pásalo a la lista del día siguiente y no te compliques. Al estar jerarquizado nunca vas a dejar por fuera lo que es realmente urgente e importante.
  5. Si el Social Media te consume, crea tus propias reglas. Yo me propuse alejarme de las redes 10 horas diarias (antes, durante y después de dormir), y 24 horas 1 vez por semana. Esta experiencia ha sido muy reveladora: en los días enteros sin pantallas mi productividad es de otro nivel, todavía no me lo creo. Sigo dándole toda mi atención a mi bebé de 13 meses, tomo tiempo para mi, avanzo en cosas de la casa y planifico los días (sin sentarme a trabajar). Este último mes he avanzado más que en los últimos 6.
  6. Esta no es una guía infalible: se trata de una batalla constante con tus hábitos. Probar, encontrar qué funciona y qué no. Ser lo más disciplinada posible y apostarle al avance. Y si caes, volver al paso 1, no pasa nada. La comparación, que por alguna razón nos encanta hacer, debe ser siempre contigo misma

¿Te animas a intentarlo? ¿Tienes otros tips para ser productiva que te hayan servido? Cuéntame aquí abajo en los comentarios. ¡Me muero por saber!

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  1. Would have loved some encouraging articles like this one when I started blogging. Was so so difficult, I felt like I will never alaign with the other bloggers. Time management and a strict shedule is the key for me. Planning everything ahead also helps. 😁

    Posted 10.15.20 Reply
    • carolbermudez wrote:

      Yeah, I tried many ways to be as productive as I can be, and of course, failed more times than I would like to admit, especially with my toddler around. But these habits made me closer to where I wanna be.

      Posted 10.15.20 Reply
  2. I still don’t make to do lists, I’m not sure why I struggle with this. I used to live off to do lists. I do wake up early and start my day. My time management skills are horrible. For instance yesterday my goal was to finish and edit an article I was writing. It should have taken me no longer than an hour or two. It took me the whole day! Why? I kept distracting myself with other tasks. Today is a new day and I’ll try some of your tips.

    Posted 10.15.20 Reply
    • carolbermudez wrote:

      I feel you! But don’t be hard on yourself, Isabella. I failed so many times before finding what works for me 🤭 To-Do lists make me save time, especially now that time doesn’t belong to me anymore. Hope these ideas can help you out today! 💓

      Posted 10.15.20 Reply
  3. Monica wrote:

    Such a handy list of productivity tips – thank you

    Posted 10.15.20 Reply
    • carolbermudez wrote:

      Thank you for stopping by, Monica! Let me know if you try them out! 💓

      Posted 10.15.20 Reply
  4. John wrote:

    #2 is a must. If you really want to achieve a goal such as launching a successful side hustle business, then you have to invest extra hours by getting up early, staying up late, and limiting some time wasters like television. It will pay off in the long run when you can quit your day job and work your passion full time.

    Posted 10.15.20 Reply
    • carolbermudez wrote:

      So true, John! And so hard to do as well 🤭 At the end of the day, staying away from our comfort zone will bring us closer to our goals. But I’m not gonna lie: it is an everyday fight! Thank you for passing by!

      Posted 10.15.20 Reply
  5. Cassie wrote:

    This is an awesome post, and I appreciate you sharing your insight! You’re right about how time management is tough to nail down, and while I don’t think I have yet, planning ahead is a life saver for me! As a type A person, I like everything to go how I have it planned in my head. This can go to total disaster sometimes with my expectations. However, using a notebook and planner for deadlines and check lists to plan my day out the night before is a game changer!

    Posted 10.15.20 Reply
    • carolbermudez wrote:

      Thanks, Cassie! Yes, I agree! It is tough, that’s for sure, and everyone has their formula. After many fails, these habits have been making me feel capable and focused every day! Hope it helps! 💓

      Posted 10.15.20 Reply